As a first-timer at DEF CON, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. I had heard stories, seen videos, and read plenty of blog posts, but nothing truly prepares you for the experience until you're there. Thankfully, I was part of a group—my entire team came, except for one member. Having the team there made a big difference. As someone who isn't exactly a socialite, this event could have been a bit much to handle on my own, but being surrounded by familiar faces helped me navigate the experience with confidence. For those who attend solo, I found the VET CON community to be a fantastic gateway into meeting new people. It’s a space where I would have felt comfortable stepping out of my comfort zone and connecting with others.

Hands-On Learning: HOLY GUAC!

One thing that absolutely blew my mind was the sheer number of hands-on activities. No one really captured just how fun and immersive the interactive sessions were. From trying my hand at soldering to picking a 5-pin lock (that wasn't the one I’ve practiced on at home), it felt like there was no end to the possibilities. These activities weren’t just engaging—they were eye-opening, offering a tangible way to pick up new skills and grow as a professional. Seriously, if you’re into hacking, electronics, or cybersecurity, the hands-on workshops are an absolute must.

The People: A Pleasant Surprise

I have to give a shout-out to the people at DEF CON. I’m not the most extroverted person, but the conversations I had in "LineCon" were some of the best I’ve had in a long time. There’s something about standing in line with fellow tech enthusiasts that breaks down barriers and sparks interesting discussions. Everyone was so welcoming, and I quickly found that this wasn’t just an event—it was a community of like-minded individuals who were all passionate about learning, hacking, and sharing knowledge.

VET CON and the DEF CON Community Spirit

One of the highlights was attending the VET CON party. I only made it to that one event, but wow—it was a blast! The energy, the camaraderie, and the general good vibes were unforgettable. DEF CON does an incredible job of creating spaces for people to connect, and VET CON was just one example of how they bring different groups together. Whether you're a hacker veteran or a newbie, the events are designed to make you feel welcome.

Tips for Going Solo: Discord is Your Best Friend

If you’re planning to attend DEF CON alone, here’s a crucial tip: make sure to get active in their Discord beforehand. This is an incredible platform to start networking, meeting people, and building connections before you even set foot at the event. Several people I met at DEF CON mentioned they had never met their companions in person until the event—but they had become friends through the DEF CON Discord. It’s an excellent resource that will help you ease into the DEF CON community and feel like part of the family before you arrive.

Final Thoughts: Should You Go?

If you're on the fence about attending DEF CON, my advice is simple: GO! Wear comfortable shoes (trust me, you'll thank me later), keep an open mind, and be prepared to step out of your comfort zone. DEF CON offers a unique opportunity to not only learn but also to make lasting friendships with people who share your passions. Whether you're into the hands-on workshops or the incredible networking opportunities, there's something at DEF CON for everyone.